The OpenWater Blog


Stretch Your Budget With Mobile Engagement

Published August 14, 2017 in Leadership

One of the most notable trends in recent events is mobile engagement. More and more organizations are turning to mobile apps to not only organize their conference, but to personalize experiences for attendees that keep them coming back every year.

The rise of abstracts management software plays a role in this trend. With the right software, you can easily build and manage a mobile app that promotes brand consistency, by mirroring your conference website design, while engaging attendees before, during, and after the conference. This is the sort of long-term engagement that makes organizations memorable, something an executive should always aim for.

The best part about mobile apps is that you don’t have to spend a lot to get one. In fact, there are countless ways to save on a mobile app, even if you’re starting with a limited budget, allowing you to save money without compromising on what your event is bringing to the table.

Where to Spend Money With Your Mobile App

When you’re choosing a mobile app for your organization, one word should be more important than the rest: personalization. Do you want to allow attendees to network on it? Do you want attendees to be able to access certain presentations and information? What about chatting with conference organizers or speakers?

There are countless ways to personalize a mobile app, and you need to spend money on a platform or features that will serve these wants and needs. It’s also important to remember that you can’t just invest in a mobile app and expect attendees to use it. Instead, you should allocate a portion of your marketing budget to promote the app and get users excited about it and downloading well before your abstracts conference.

Where to Save Money With Your Mobile App

There are countless ways to save money when you’re developing your mobile app. The most prominent method is to choose an abstracts management software that allows you to build an app on the platform so you don’t have to source it elsewhere, which can be quite expensive.

A couple of other simple ways to save money include:


  • Simplicity – You don’t need an over-the-top app to be successful. Focus on simplicity and including more features rather than spending your budget on a fancy design within the app itself. In fact, modern, clean apps tend to work better are more likable than their over-designed counterparts.
  • Be Selective in Functionality – If there are functions that aren’t as important as others or aren’t likely to be used by your target audience at the conference, don’t invest in their development. Instead, focus on making the prioritized functions even better to ensure there aren’t any glitches as your abstracts conference progresses.


Where to Sponsor Your App

You don’t want to clutter your app with too many sponsored posts or advertisements. However, you can work sponsorship positions into your app without compromising on experience.

For example, you can have an ad on the page as the app loads. This doesn’t detract from the time conference attendees spend on the app but will still allow you to gather more money in sponsorship in new, innovative ways. You may event want to create a sponsorship page within the app so if attendees are interested in certain organizations or brands that have sponsored your event, they can explore these entities, but on their own time.

Get the Most for Your Money With a Customized Mobile App

Mobile apps are a great way to give attendees options of how to experience your conference while increasing engagement at the conference itself. More importantly, mobile apps won’t cost your organization a fortune, yet you can still take advantage of the numerous benefits they have to offer.

Get one for your organization and see how it transforms how users collect information and experience your conference differently!


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