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Lowering The Learning Curve: Getting Your Judges Acquainted with Online Awards Software

Published March 10, 2015 in Leadership

Learning something new can be fun, interesting, or sometimes nerve wracking. And everything has a learning curve, online awards software included. All too often awards managers worry that making the switch to online software rather than manual judging will cause problems for their judges, deterring them from judging correctly (or at all).

However, they key is to realize and remind your awards judges that they are already well acquainted with using online systems because they’re already using the Internet to do a variety of tasks from research and communication, to shopping and paying bills.

So if you’re currently an awards manager who recognizes the benefits of online software but are hesitant to make the switch for similar reasons, you shouldn’t be. By properly introducing your judges with the software, you can ensure that your program goes smoothly and judging will be a better experience than ever before.

Running Judging Any Other Way Has Its Problems

There are numerous ways to run the judging process for your awards program. Programs of all kinds use everything from purely manual entry and judging, to a semi-online system that utilizes a combination of Dropbox or another file transfer protocol (FTP) site, email, and spreadsheets.

However, there’s a major problem with running your awards program these ways. And it’s that with these systems the awards process can become overly complicated and unorganized very quickly.

As a results judges get turned off to “online” judging without truly experiencing what online judging is. Luckily, this experience can be avoided with your program by finding a single online system to manage all aspects of your awards program, including judging.

One Online System Can Simplify and Streamline the Process for Judges

When you introduce judges to online judging, be sure your system is equipped to handle the entirety of the awards process. This will ensure judges can experience the direct benefits of a central awards management system, as well gain the necessary insight into the awards judging protocol. Such a system is beneficial for many reasons including:

  • Clear Instruction – With manual entries or disjointed online systems, judges can be easily confused and judge entries incorrectly. With one online system, judges can access clear instructions to ensure a smooth judging process.
  • Uses Time More Efficiently – Waiting for entries to be mailed, going through manual entries, and sending them back to your program is both time-consuming and difficult. An online system streamlines the entire process by keeping data organized in one centralized location, meaning judges can score entries whenever and wherever they want over several sessions.
  • Training and Instruction – One of the best parts about awards software is that it is easy to train your judges, with detailed built-in instructions. This means that if they have any lingering questions, they can find the answers they need on their own.

The Key to Success Lies in Communication

While the online system itself has distinct benefits for judges, the way in which you choose to get them acquainted to the system matters too. And like most successful aspects of any awards programs, the key to success lies in communication.

This means that once your system is in place, you can communicate regarding what is expected of them and how they can use the system properly. Then, by providing proper training, you can ensure not only that all entries will be judged correctly but that judges will actually enjoy fulfilling their roles.

More than ever before, there is a shift from manual or semi-online management to online awards management. This means that getting your judges onboard and acquainted with your software the right way is essential to making a smooth transition.

We can all use additional assistance when it comes to judging and the planning that comes before judging. If you’re looking for a comprehensive resource that tells you everything you need to know, check out our guide!

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Miriam Hancock

Miriam Hancock
Miriam is the Marketing Coordinator for OpenWater. When she isn't writing and designing content she paints and cooks for her own personal blog.

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