OpenWater Guides
Improve your awards, abstracts, grants, scholarships or any application and review cycle with our guides.
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How OpenWater Awards Software Works
With all the hard work and dedication that goes into planning an awards program, unexpected complications and hassles shouldn’t be an issue. Luckily, with OpenWater you won’t have to deal […]
Secrets of Successful Awards Programs
There are two kinds of awards programs out there: successful ones and … not so successful ones. Some programs seem to have found the secret recipe that makes everything run […]
AMS/CRM Integration Made Simple
At OpenWater, we understand the underlying value of integration. This is why we not only promote integrations, but perform integrations on behalf of our customers as well. Likewise, we understand […]
Webinar: How Software Integrations Drive Organizational Growth
We sat down for an interview-style webinar with Mani Jagadeesan & Dr. Will Marling from ShuffleLabs, a leading company in the software integrations field. Mani and Will both have a […]
Executive Playbook: A Complete Awards Guide for Association Executives
Awards programs are the annual, pinnacle event for many organizations. Though the program happens just once a year, the benefits of the event are apparent year-round in customer retention, prestige, […]
Look Book: 6 Beautiful Application Websites
The book has examples and links to what we think are some of the best looking websites on the internet for awards, grants, and scholarships. We break down why each […]
Webinar: The Swiss Army Knife for Association Technology
In this webinar, we cover the variety of ways our power users have turbocharged their technology stack with OpenWater. The tool is a best of breed workflow management system that […]
Templates & Toolkits
The Call For Entry Toolkit
In an ideal world you would have plenty of time to read up on the latest awards program best practices. In reality, you’re lucky if you even have time to […]
Webinar: OpenWater and enSYNC (iMIS Integration)
This webinar, hosted by enSYNC Corporation and featuring our own David Lincoln, introduces our new partnership and iMIS “super connector”. If you currently work with enSYNC to service your iMIS […]
Turn Your Physical Conference to Virtual – COVID-19 Conference Guide
For more complete and up to date information on virtual conference please visit our virtual conference platform page, and resources page.
Data Sheets
OpenWater Abstracts Feature Sheet
OpenWater Abstracts software simplifies the abstract management process from start to finish: Submissions Review Acceptance Conference Session Scheduling