The OpenWater Blog


Generate Buzz for Your Conference

Published September 12, 2015 in Leadership

Planning a conference is a stressful undertaking. Even when you have the best speakers and best content, ensuring your audience makes a good showing is never a guarantee.

Armed with your conference abstracts, you have an extra tool at your disposal to try and garner interest. Your conference abstracts and speaker list should be published on your conference website — ideally in an organized and searchable manner.

Sure most people produce online conference agenda listings as a convenience to attendees, but we believe the real power is in harnessing the power of all the presenters to become mini-promoters.

Speakers want to promote themselves to build up their prestige. If you have a popular conference, it is worth taking the effort to make the conference agenda page look good. If possible ask speakers for a quick bio + headshot. When they submit their conference materials, perhaps ask for a few images to supplement their talk. All of this will go a long way in making an attractive and inviting online agenda.

You should make it as easy as possible for your speakers to advertise and promote themselves For example on your online listing, you might want to include a bio + headshot of the speaker and create a quick way for them to spread the news of their talk on a social network like LinkedIn.

Online abstract software can help automatically put together a conference website + speaker gallery, but to take advantage you need to make sure you remember to collect the data + photos upfront.



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