The OpenWater Blog


How an Online Event Management Software Can Save Your Life

Published October 18, 2018 in Leadership

More and more people are noticing a shift in marketing trends towards events. Which is why investing in a reliable Event Management Software is crucial.


More and more companies are investing their marketing budgets in live events, which has been a major contributing factor to the recent uptick in the number of event and conference management software solutions being provided out there. But out of the deep end, what should you be looking for in an Event Management Software you know you can trust?


1. Potential for Pre and Post-Event Email Marketing

Email marketing is still a robust tool for marketers wanting to build a rapport with customers they are expecting to meet on site. It’s an even better way for your sales team to remain in touch with them and continue a positive, productive relationship, simply by following through after an in-person meetup. By partnering with a software solution that lets you easily reach out to your attendees via email blast, it’s also easier to gather data from them using post-event surveys.


2. Having the right Event Technology Growth Stack

While it’s important to engage with your attendees and form a personal relationship with them, having the support of a robust technology platform will make what can seem like an impossible task, a lot more broken down and manageable. The most successful events invest heavily in all-in-one, fully-integrated Event Management Software that help them go beyond what happens on the event on-site. Invest in an event management software solution that covers all the bases, from pre-event to event, to post-event, so that you can automate any back-office duties and iron out inevitable organizational errors quickly.


3. Branding your Event, paying attention to the Look-and-Feel

What makes a conference or an event memorable? It may be the impressive panel of speakers, the variety of programs being offered, or how impeccably it was organized – but sometimes it comes down to simply how memorable the branding was. Let’s take an example: the branding for Hubspot’s annual Inbound Conference reinforces the values and ideals of the company, and attendees get that impression simply from how the two share the same look-and-feel. By paying attention to the branding, Hubspot has essentially successfully drawn back the message of the conference back to the mission of the organization – which is to disrupt and innovate marketing practices.


4. Keeping track of your numbers

A robust and effective event management software is one that lets you keep and analyze that data easily.
Looking for a software solution with a strong administrative backend will make it unimaginably easier in the chance your administrator is tasked with the gargantuan task of sorting through thousands of entrants’ datas by keyword, type, or form field.


5. A Safe Payment Gateway

With more and more news out there on compromised customer information and breached information security, having a safe payment gateway would be your event organizer’s utmost priority. This is also an added benefit of centralizing all of your attendee data onto one cloud-based software solution, because it streamlines the registration and payment process like no other.


More and more companies are investing in live events, and the more successful organizations tend to be ones that invest in the technology that helps them better connect with customers, inform attendees, and generate new leads easily. Embracing this massive growth in live event technology is what’s going to be the next step in event marketing moving forward for companies paying attention to the way the industry is moving.



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