The OpenWater Blog


Why You Aren’t Getting the Submission Numbers You Want for Your Awards

Published June 9, 2015 in Leadership

No two awards programs are quite alike, but all share one thing: they want more submissions. And if you’re like many marketing managers, this issue may leave you scratching your head wondering what is wrong.

Your first instinct is likely to throw more money at your awards program. This means upgrading your website, running more advertising, and sending out overwhelming email blasts. But, is doing more really doing more? Not necessarily.

Often, you can trace a lack of submissions back to one issue. Read on to find out what that issue is (and how you can fix it without increasing your marketing budget)!

It’s Not About Your Budget; It’s About Your Branding

You heard that right! Decreased submissions are often associated with a lack of brand cohesion. This may leave potential entrants sitting there confused, rather than running to sign up for your program.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t have individual elements working in your program’s favor either. In fact, some programs with a lack of entries offer an organized website, thoughtful marketing strategy, and engaging social profiles, just like similar, successful ones.

However, when you have a problem with your branding, individual elements work, but don’t work to serve your organization as a whole.

And while many programs can suffer from branding issues, the unique source of the problem isn’t likely the same. As such, it’s best to take a step back, look at your program, and then work to fix any issues you find.

Improve Submissions by Presenting One Image to Entrants

Have you come across a brand with a website, social presence, and advertising that doesn’t work together? If so, you know exactly what I’m talking about when I reference a lack of cohesion.

If you have branding issues, potential entrants won’t relate each element of your program to the awards. Sure, they can hop on your website and find out some information. But if they then go to social media and find messaging that doesn’t align with your website, they won’t know what to think or just won’t think of your program at all.

Your marketing materials must represent the “big picture” of your program. This will help your entrants understand your “big picture” (and why they should care) as well!

By syncing your brand, outreach efforts, mission, and more, you too can increase submissions. And with that being the driving force behind your efforts, a branding exercise is well worth the time and effort!

Speaking of branding exercises, do you know where to begin with your own to optimize submissions? If not, our whitepaper can help you develop your awards and set you up for success.

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Miriam Hancock

Miriam Hancock
Miriam is the Marketing Coordinator for OpenWater. When she isn't writing and designing content she paints and cooks for her own personal blog.

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