Awards Management
trusted by Local, State and Federal Government
Learn More

Governments of all sizes use our software to run their

  • Make it easy

    Accept entries with a few simple clicks, let judges review submissions anywhere, and watch it all happen

  • Make it fit

    Accept dozens of entries or tens of thousands, simple text answers, documents, or high definition video. Our
    system can handle them all easily, reliably, and securely.

  • Make it grow

    Increase submissions and revenue with built-in marketing tools to assure your awards are getting the attention
    they deserve.

  • Make it secure

    OpenWater understands that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our customers’ information are
    vital to their business operations and our own success. We use a multi-layered approach to protect that key

Never Stop Learning.

How OpenWater Awards Software Works

Awards Administrator: Missing Manual

Awards Software Build vs Buy

OpenWater is available via Winvale’s GSA Schedule 70 / GS-35F-0074S

Talk To Us

Questions? Our reps have answers. 202-765-0247