The OpenWater Blog


Interactive Previews of PDFs, Powerpoints and Word Docs

Published July 28, 2015 in Leadership

OpenWater has always supported thumbnail previews of images, PDFs and videos. With our latest update we now have a fully interactive preview system for PDFs, Powerpoints, and Word Documents.

As judges review their entries, they can see a scrollable preview widget, or click a button to see a preview in the full page.

This preview widget is especially useful during iPad judging as everything can now be seen on one page without having to switch tabs.


This feature is turned on by default for all new file upload fields. To activate it for your system, load up the form builder and check off “Show Document Preview”.


Kunal Johar

Kunal Johar is the OpenWater platform evangelist. He currently manages our development teams and enjoys diving into the fray. Find him in our community chat room.

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