The OpenWater Blog


4 Tips to Get Your Awards Program Noticed Online

Published June 5, 2013 in Leadership

With so many awards programs out there, it can be hard to get the attention you are seeking. But there are a few ways for your program’s website to get more traffic. Here are four tips that you can use today. These tactics help you get your awards program noticed online, and keep the right people coming back.

1. Use Your Website Link Where You Can

Your awards website link provides incentive to visit your awards program web page any time you have contact with someone. Have it added to the signature of your employees’ email, so it is visible during every interaction. Social media is also a great way to share your link. Use your business’s Facebook and Twitter accounts to post links to your program web page. This way users can easily share the link to their followers, which is a great opportunity for search engine optimization.

2. Easy to Follow Website

First impressions are everything. Most people will make first contact with your awards program through your awards website. Your awards program’s website has to be fluid and easy to follow, with the important information just a click away. A well designed website will keep visitors on your site longer, increasing your visibility.

3. Use “Frequently Asked Questions” to Answer Questions About Your Awards Program

An FAQ page is a great way to decrease confusion about your awards program. Additionally, it is a good opportunity to maximize traffic with search engine optimization. Answering questions about your program will add to the number of keywords on your website, increasing your chances of being put at the top of a search.

4. Guest Blog for a Similar Awards Program

Guest Blogging for an awards program with similar goals and content on their website is beneficial for all parties. Insert a link to your ogram somewhere in your post. You are helping the users by posting information that is relevant to them, you are helping the other website by increasing their content, and yourself by pulling in the right kind of audience.

Timothy Spell

Timothy Spell co-founded OpenWater in 2007 with the goal of helping organizations tackle and better manage the oftentimes overlooked awards and contests industry. As an author and speaker in the awards industry, Timothy provides unique insight on how to use awards to boost membership, social media followers and search engine traffic.

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