The OpenWater Blog


3 Ways to Boost Your Scholarship Applications Using OpenWater

Published October 8, 2018 in Leadership

Managing your Scholarship Applications with OpenWater

Various educational institutions, foundations, nonprofits and businesses all use OpenWater to distribute their scholarship funds. How do they ensure that the Scholarship Application process is smooth and manageable for both their Program Administrators and Applicants?


1. OpenWater serves as one entrypoint for all Scholarship Applications

Using OpenWater, Scholarship Administrators can easily centralize their Scholarship Applications to one, single entrypoint. By funneling the applications to one single submission landing page, the Scholarship application process can be radically simplified for both administrators and entrants ― a priority for any organization or university program that administers multiple scholarships across different cycles throughout the year.


2. Our multiple feature sets that power a fair and efficient Review Process

OpenWater’s Scholarship Management Software is completely customizable from top to bottom. Having a multitude of features that really take your reviewing process to the next level is what makes having a software solution so great.

Some of our most popular features include:

  • A Formbuilder that lets you add and remove, drag-and-drop Questions easily
  • A sleek, scholarship landing page that shares the look-and-feel of your brand
  • Multiple review rounds
  • Running Multiple Scholarship programs through one account
  • Cloud-based, location-independent monitoring
  • Easy Analytics: Generating reports based on desired filters tailored specifically for certain Judges


3. Taking your Scholarship Program online boosts your Program visibility

Boost your program application numbers by making it simpler for applicants to submit their necessary scholarship review documents. From the administrator’s perspective, having the entire application process online also ensures that no applications go unnoticed or fall through the cracks between the various review stages.

Across all of our clients, their priority lies in making sure their funds reach the most qualified candidate out of their applicant pool. Does your software solution measure up to your goals?



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