The OpenWater Blog


3 Mind-Blowing Awards Management Software Advantages

Published June 6, 2013 in Leadership

I have written before about a few of the steps you need to take to create a successful awards program. One of these steps is using awards management software to keep track of submissions. I believe this is the most important aspect of an awards program in this day and age, so this post is dedicated to going more in depth regarding the benefits of awards management software. Here are just three of the advantages of using awards software that will make your life easier and take your awards program to the next level.

1. Going Paperless

With awards software, you can forget about having to organize emails or submissions sent through the mail. Many people who are in charge of awards programs face the problem of having their inbox flooded with submissions, as emails and spreadsheets can get messy quickly. Organizing these submissions can be a painstakingly long task, and it is easy for some submissions to get lost in the mix. Awards management software does the sorting for you, allowing you to focus on other tasks. Additionally, awards software allows nominators to pay online through the system as they submit, taking one more hassle out of the process for you.

2. Answer Questions Easily

While you may have thought that the rules of your awards program were laid out pretty clearly on your website, many nominators may still have questions. Additionally, judges may have trouble following what you thought were simple scoring guidelines. With awards software, you can create online forums that make reading the rules, finding categories, and filling out information a breeze for nominators and judges. Questions go to the proper people, and everyone gets email confirmations and reminders as needed. Finally, awards management software gives you the ability to send mass emails through the system to keep in touch and provide additional information.

3. Judging Made Easy

With awards software, judging is a breeze. When judging time comes, judges sign in and are able to collaborate. They are then able to enter their score directly in the award software. The awards management software does the rest, meaning no work needed on your part to organize the judges’ scorings. Judging becomes efficient, and you can say goodbye to spreadsheets to keep track of different scores.

Timothy Spell

Timothy Spell co-founded OpenWater in 2007 with the goal of helping organizations tackle and better manage the oftentimes overlooked awards and contests industry. As an author and speaker in the awards industry, Timothy provides unique insight on how to use awards to boost membership, social media followers and search engine traffic.

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