The OpenWater Blog


3 Email Marketing Tips That Will Boost Attendance and Save Money

Published April 20, 2017 in Leadership

It’s in everyone’s best interest to get more attendees to your next event. However, knowing this and actually doing something about it are two dramatically different things. Moreover, knowing that email marketing can help with this and executing a proper strategy are dramatically different as well.

There are several methods you can use in email marketing to generate a buzz for your event while saving money. Below, we discuss our favorite three to equip you with tips for your next event.

1. Focus on Building Your Email List Throughout the Year, Not Just During Your Event

It’s all too easy to neglect your email list during the year and too easy to focus on who’s on the list and how many more individuals you can add to the list once your event rolls around. But you know that you can’t focus on the list for just a few months and expect something magical to happen.

You should use email to engage your audience year-round. Doing so is as simple as using content you curated from the event and distributing it throughout the year. You may even create additional resources to complement presentations from the event and then distribute them to attendees or new sign-ups you want to incentivize to attend your next conference.

Regardless of what you do, you need to focus on your list year-round. This is the simplest way to recruit new members, boost organizational prestige by becoming part of natural conversations, and save money on marketing for next year.

2. Create Interactive Content

Too many emails enter an inbox and end in the trash without ever being opened. This may be due to poor subject line writing, boring content, or both.

Creating interactive content is the best way to generate audience response. For example, you should tie the subject line in with the content and format the content in a way that makes it simple for users to scan your content to get the main idea.

By doing so, you’ll engage users and continue to generate interest in your program, regardless of the time of year.

3. Follow Up With Users

Too many potential entrants and attendees get lost when organizations don’t follow up on previous emails.

While it’s true you don’t want to send users emails daily, you should still follow up on emails where you requested additional action. Doing so may remind those who wanted to register to follow through and do so or give new reasons to those who decided not to register to do so.

Boost Revenue and Attendance With Simple Email Marketing Tips

When your goal is to boost revenue and attendance for your next conference, email marketing is a great tool to use. However, you must use email properly to accomplish your goals.

With the above tips in mind, you’ll be on the right track to do just that.


How to Use Email to Organize Your Event

Learning Series: Sizing Up Costs and Necessary Staff Time