The OpenWater Blog


Why Organizations Are Using Awards Software

Published February 17, 2015 in Leadership

There is no one perfect way to manage and run an awards program. And for some programs, there is no management system at all. To get their awards running, many organizations rely on a mix of hacked submission forms, email, spreadsheets, and a variety of upload tools. While this may seem to work temporarily or on the surface, there are several issues that can occur throughout the duration of any program.

One solution to these issues is awards software, which improves and simplifies the awards process for entrants and judges alike. It also streamlines and automates administrative tasks that cost precious time and money for organizations looking to generate revenue and awareness for their businesses.

But, how does awards software actually make a difference for entrants, judges, and your own administrative needs? Let’s find out.

Simplify the Awards Process for Entrants

If there’s one universal fact about awards programs it’s that the process should be tailored to your entrants. After all, you wouldn’t have a program at all if it weren’t for your entrants. Therefore, it’s important to generate awareness through your call for entry and then present a system that makes applications simple.

Unfortunately, all too often the application process turns into a lengthy, unpleasant experience, run partially online, partially in print, and is completely inconvenient. As a result, some entrants fail to complete the submission process, costing an organization in more ways than one.

But, you don’t have to let your own organization fall victim to the same problem! With the right awards management system, entrants will be able to:

  • Enjoy a Simplified Submission Process – Awards software eliminates the lengthy, complicated awards process that can deter entrants from either beginning or finishing their submission.
  • Simplifies Communication – All too often, entrant emails and inquiries get lost in antiquated, inefficient systems. With awards software, entrants will enjoy streamlined communication and a positive experience with your organization.
  • A Seamless Submission Experience – With all required information in one location, entrants can upload supplemental material, complete their required forms, and pay their fee.

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Simplify the Awards Process for Judges

Of course, entrants aren’t the only ones who have to maneuver through your system. It’s just as important to consider your awards process from your judges’ perspective. This is especially true since your judges are an investment that you want to come back each and every year.

So, how does awards software benefit judges?

  • Information Accessible From Anywhere and at All Times – With an awards management system, both your judges and administrators can track submissions and scoring in one location that is accessible from any location, at any time, and on any device. This makes it simple for judges to perform their duties as they can work and judge at times most convenient for them.
  • Efficient Scoring System – Software reduces human error from your program by centralizing information and maintaining the accuracy of each submission, scoring, and payments. Of course, judges will also be able to provide feedback in your chosen form, making it easy for them to complete their roles to your utmost satisfaction and at their convenience.

Reduce and Streamline Administrative Tasks

While both entrants and judges are important, the potential to reduce and streamline administrative tasks is the most valuable aspect of an awards management system. Administrative tasks are among the most time- and energy-consuming roles both you and your staff will fulfill throughout the awards process.

Software will provide administrative benefits in countless ways, including:

  • Eliminates Binders and Spreadsheets – Applicants, administrators, and judges alike can submit, monitor, and score submissions without having to touch a binder or spreadsheet, alleviating management duties for administrators.
  • Maximizes Submissions – Physical forms are time-consuming to fill out. With software, applicants can easily complete their submissions and administrators will enjoy the infrastructure necessary to handle large numbers of entries.
  • Simple to Organize and Manage – As awards programs grow it becomes more difficult for administrators to keep up. With the right software, you won’t ever have to worry about your program getting too large to organize and manage.
  • Frees Up Time for Both You and Your Team – There are countless roles that both you and your team need to fulfill throughout your program. With awards software, you can eliminate simple tasks from your daily operations to focus on unique roles that only your team can take on.
  • Keeps Everything in a Centralized Location – By storing all data, updates, submission statuses, and scoring in one location, management software makes it simple to review all of the information you have without having to sort through binders and spreadsheets ever again.
  • Creates Custom Reports – Software will generate custom reports based upon your unique criteria within just minutes, saving you additional time.

It’s not necessary to invest in awards management software to ensure the success of your program, but it certainly simplifies and improves the process for entrants, judges, and administrators within your organization.

If you aren’t quite convinced as to how your organization can benefit from awards software, be sure to download our free white paper to learn more about the valuable benefits to be gained within your own awards management system!

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Miriam Hancock

Miriam Hancock
Miriam is the Marketing Coordinator for OpenWater. When she isn't writing and designing content she paints and cooks for her own personal blog.

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