The OpenWater Blog


Essential Things to Include in Your Awards Call for Entry

Published August 12, 2014 in Leadership

While every aspect of your awards program is important, few steps are as critical as creating a call for entry (CFE). So, why is this seemingly crucial first step often left as the last thing to be considered? Beats me. When you realize just how much is riding on your CFE, you’ll be just as stumped.

Your CFE educates users who will enter your program, meaning that it is the basis that your entire program rests on. This also means that if you’re someone that’s just throwing up any old “apply now” email, tweet, or other message, you could and should be doing more.

So, what should your CFE be doing? In short, a lot. When writing it out, don’t forget to include these key elements:

  • About the Awards
    • If there’s one thing that you can guess your call for entry should be doing, it’s getting people excited for your awards program. One way to do this is by describing its history and tenure. It’s not only interesting to read, but it grants your program legitimacy.
  • Categories
    • Obviously you need to list out the different categories for which people can apply so they can see if they’re submission would be a fit.
  • Judging Criteria
    • It’s a good idea to include judging criteria to show entrants how their submissions will be evaluated. It will help them to submit better entries, as well as answer some initial questions.
  • Entry Criteria
    • Is your entry just one form to fill out? Is there supplemental data the entrant will need? Let them know so they can have that data prepared when they go to enter. This section should also include any eligibility requirements necessary to submit.
  • The Judges
    • Don’t forget to let everyone know who your judges are (if you’ve already selected them). Having well respected industry experts as your judges can greatly increase the prestige of your awards, as well as serve as a good source for publicity.
  • Relevant dates
    • This one is self explanatory. You need to let people know when submissions start and end or they won’t know when to submit!
  • Fees
    • It’s important to list your fees to prepare people, so they won’t be surprised when they go to submit their entry and a surprise cost pops up. This includes general entry fees, early bird discounts, and late fees.
  • How to Submit
    • If people are reading this call for entry, they’re at least a little interested in your program. So, to help fulfill the purpose of this call for entry (to get people to submit) you need to provide them with a way to apply. Include a link to the appropriate place to enter (or a mailing address if you’re doing mail-in entries).
  • Contact Information
    • Be sure to include contact information so those who are looking for more information have a way to get it.

Your call for entry has limitless potential as a way for entrants to understand how to apply for your program and to ask questions. As a result, you should take advantage of the notably huge advertising potential for your program through your CFE in the most visible way possible, ideally through social media.

How does your company ensure the success of your program? Share your secrets below!

Miriam Hancock

Miriam Hancock
Miriam is the Marketing Coordinator for OpenWater. When she isn't writing and designing content she paints and cooks for her own personal blog.

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