The OpenWater Blog


Feature Spotlight: Complex Website Templates Made Easy with the Newest Premium Theme Engine

Published September 29, 2016 in Leadership

Last year, we launched our premium theme to make it easier to build an impressive, professional awards website. Now, we’ve launched our newest iteration of the premium theme engine, complete with widgets so you can build good-looking websites without the HTML coding hassles.

Here’s a small taste of our new widget system demonstrating how you can build and edit judge profiles:


If you think that looks simple, read on to learn:

  • How you can edit your website without any assistance;
  • How widgets translate to your published website; and
  • How OpenWater assists with custom website development.

Building a Beautiful Website is No Longer a Hassle

If you don’t know HTML, building a website is nearly impossible. If you do know HTML, building a website using code still takes a lot of time. With widgets, you can overcome knowledge- and time-related barriers to create an awards system that is clean, professional, and fool-proof to the errors inherent in website development.

Our widget system is built for every part of your website including the hero image, judging profiles, timeline features, and frequently asked questions.

Here is what the judging widget looks like on your published website:


And here’s what the widget looks like in the backend of your site:

As you can see, editing, adding, or deleting information is simple and doesn’t require going into the HTML code as it did in the past.

The same is true for other widgets as well. For example, here’s what the timeline widget looks like on your published site:

And here’s what it looks like when you edit it in the backend:

The widget editor directly translates into the published website and makes it simple to understand where to enter information correctly as well.

Have a Specific Idea in Mind? OpenWater Can Help With That…

There are countless possibilities as to what you can do with your awards system. While our newest premium theme engine supports your ability to bring your website to life without additional assistance, you may want to do more.

If you ever see an awards website and think “I wish our organization’s website had that,” now it can. Our OpenWater team offers consultative work for clients who want more premium options on their sites. If you ever have a custom request, the simplest way to bring it to life is to partner with our experts.

Simplicity Meets Professionalism in Our New Premium Website Engine

Building and editing your awards website can be tedious, time-consuming, and frustrating. When you purchase the new premium theme now or in the future, it won’t be any longer thanks to our intuitive widget-editing system.

Now, when you want to make a change you can do it when you want and do it yourself. This makes your website easier to build and manage and keeps your program efficient and professional.

Kunal Johar

Kunal Johar is the OpenWater platform evangelist. He currently manages our development teams and enjoys diving into the fray. Find him in our community chat room.

Learning Series: All the Pages You Need in Your Awards Website

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